Thermal 2D and 3D calculations for facade engineering

Analysis of the insulation value of the building envelope, detection of potential cold bridges, risk assessment of condensation hazards and inspection for the danger of thermal glass breakage.
Thermal calculations are crucial steps in the design and construction of an energy-efficient building.
Insulation value of the building envelope
Thermal calculations are useful for determining a facade’s U-value, which indicates how much heat loss occurs through the facade. The U-value is expressed in W/m²K, and the lower the value, the better the thermal insulation.

Risk assessment for condensation hazards due to cold bridges
A risk assessment for condensation hazards due to cold bridges evaluates the likelihood of condensation in buildings and assesses its consequences to decide whether measures are required to lower the risk.
Analysing the risk of thermal glass breakage
Thermal glass breakage can occur due to uneven heating or cooling, (such as direct sunlight on part of the glass with another part in the shade), which in turn causes stresses in the glass and can lead to breakage. Uneven edge heating or poorly insulated edges can also cause thermal breakage.

Thermal calculations are the key to an efficient building envelope that offers comfort and saves on energy.